Closing program

Closing program

Departure seems to be haunting the group a bit and I know the kids are preparing themselves for “see you later”.  I’ve had a couple group members say “well, if I leave this or that I guess I’ll just have to return!”  To which I say...
Mbuzi choma

Mbuzi choma

Another full day with the group and once again I didn’t get many photos…sorry. However, the kids shot rockets today and had a great time (they did this when the group visited last time and enjoyed then too). Then later in the afternoon we visited our...

We are safe

Some of you may have heard WHO (World Health Organization) “representative in Kenya Custodia Mandhate said Kenya was classified as level 2, which means a high-risk area for transmission” (Daily Nation) regarding Ebola.  Just to let you know everyone in the...
A look at the morning

A look at the morning

Yes this was all in the morning…before lunch!  The kids are having a great time. Now as I sit here (hoping the internet holds out until I can post this) I hear kids playing games with Cam and Bobbie just popped in to say she’d be helping with crafts.  It...
Much ado….about much

Much ado….about much

So sorry for being late in this update.  Yesterday we were at Acres of Mercy (a school our friends run) with our visitors and it was a very busy day.  Then we had planned on coming back to C4KK early enough to have dinner and play some games with the kids…
Toilet paper and much more

Toilet paper and much more

Two days after the group’s arrival my excitement is drawn to the toilet paper.  Each person brought one or two rolls of toilet paper and what a difference that paper is from our Kenyan paper!  I mentioned that to the group and someone said “out of all the...

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