How about some positive news for a change!?
Praise the Lord! February was a month of seeing God's love in action and that is positive news for sure. Several students were treated for jiggersOur grandmothers were once again blessed with food and fellowship in the month of February.As our...
Today’s reality check, wake up call, whatever you want to call it….
Don't know about you but I can easily fall into a "comfortable zone" and can't see outside my own situation. Then I'm hit with a video or picture sent from Kenya and it breaks my heart, shaking me from apathy to compassion. Frankly this happens on those occasions I...
Seeing progress
Wow, things are moving along swimingly for these widows and their new homes! Jackline's new home Halima's new home Shilah's new home ...
Much accomplished and more to be done
In my last blog post I put out a request for help for 8 widows and their homes. Your generosity has been a blessing to Jackline, Halima, Mary, and Alice. Here are a few before photos of their homes which needed repairs...These roofs were badly in need of replacing. ...
Surprising request…let’s do this!
Our friend Ben, in Kenya, recently relayed a request from the chief of Busombi Village. He asked if Saved By God's Grace could partner with him in helping 8 widows and their families by replacing their thatch roof with iron sheets (a much better option for keeping...
Do you wanna build a house!?
As I mentioned in my previous blog post our donors have blessed many in Kenya during 2021 so far...thank you and God Bless! Here, briefly, are those blesses-- Our beautiful grandmothers, and a few handsome grandfathers, were given...
Lots of help from our friends!
Praise God for beautiful friends who make this type of story happen! We would love to extend our heartfelt thanks and love to all our friends at Desert Breeze Community Church (DB) in Phoenix, AZ. You guys became a wonderful blessing to many in Kenya through your...
My last plea…..for 2020!
Oh boy, 2020 has been quite a year, wouldn't you agree!? As I mentioned in my last blog post I know this year has been a challenge for many of us. I pray as you move into 2021 your heart will give thanks for all the blessings God has bestowed on just have...
Giving opportunities
2020....seemed long as we were going through it but now the end of the year is upon us. My prayer for our supporters is that you will have been blessed by your giving throughout the year and God's peace will continue with you into 2021! As it's the end of the year I...
God loves and remembers
As the cold winds begin gusting here in Michigan my heart aches for our brothers and sisters in Kenya who continue to seek safe housing, medical attention, assistance in paying school fees and adequate food for the day. This post is in no way diminishing the...