Off loading sand

Off loading sand

A short clip of how sand is off loaded for a project we are currently working on.  Grandma Pauline’s house (mud construction) had fallen apart and we are building her a new home constructed with stone. Watch for more updates and more projects here at Our Blog!...


Oh how I wish I could say jiggers are eradicated but that is simply not the case.  We continue to push for more education on how to prevent and treat this menace but in the meantime our C4KK outreach team had yet another jigger treatment program at a local primary...
Who’s watching?

Who’s watching?

How many of us have to decide to leave our young children at home, alone, to find some small work to get a meal for the day?  Are we forced to eat unripe bananas (and that alone) for a meal?  Do we have to sleep under a roof which allows the rains to pour in on us?...


We are attempting to bring awareness and education to the wide scale problem of jiggers so fewer and fewer children and adults will be affected by them.  To help with this both funds and exposure are needed and the following is doing both…thank you! The Jigger...
Bring what you have

Bring what you have

They come with baskets, bottles and bags to receive what little food we can provide for them at our C4KK-Luanda food program for grandmothers. The grandmothers also received a necklace (thank you Deanna for the supply). Please consider joining us in providing food for...
Last day

Last day

Today was our final jigger treatment…for us, not for Joseck.  We will be heading back tomorrow to the mission home so you may not hear from me until Friday or Saturday.  We would appreciate your prayers for safe travels too, thanks. We arrived at Ekumaji Primary...

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