We’re making headlines

We’re making headlines

Saved By God’s Grace, working on the ground in Kenya as Caring for Kenya’s Kids, is making headlines with our work in eradicating jiggers. With your financial support we can continue helping those affected by this parasite and even expand that assistance. ...
School fees are due

School fees are due

Kenyan kids are getting ready to go back to school for the new school year and that means fees will be due.  This is a stressful time for so many students because they are just unsure if their dad, mom, sibling or grandparent will be able to come up with the necessary...
Many opportunities to assist in Kenya for 2018

Many opportunities to assist in Kenya for 2018

Whether looking back or looking forward, Saved By God’s Grace has plenty of avenues for involvement and assisting in Kenya.  Much has been accomplished this past year and we thank you for your support. Now that 2018 is upon us I know that some of us may take...
Still time

Still time

Since it is officially 2017 for another 24 hours or so there’s still time to get your year end contribution into Saved By God’s Grace.  It’s really very simple!  Click HERE and you will be directed to our secure, online donation site.  Simply fill...
Help educate a child

Help educate a child

Education is such an important part of many children’s lives, yet in a country like Kenya many are unable to join their classmates because their family (normally a single parent household, or even a child head of household) is unable to come up with necessary...
Have you set up your Amazon Smile?

Have you set up your Amazon Smile?

While some of you may be finished with your holiday shopping others have yet to begin.  If you are in the later group Saved By God’s Grace would love to have you set them up as your charity of choice under Amazon Smile! Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you...

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