Helping the people in Kenya can be seen as a huge responsibility, but I prefer to see one person at a time.   Like Ruth here who is in need of hernia surgery.  Her husband died in 2014, leaving her with primary school age children. Because of her condition she is unable to work and therefore the children are attempting to take care of things.

Ruth’s surgery will be $400. If you are able to help with this please visit our Donate page and write “Ruth’s surgery” in the comment section.

Another is this grandfather.  He is the sole provider for his three grandchildren and they are in need of home repairs.  This project will be $600 which will repair their home and provide beds for the family.  If you can assist with this project please visit our Donate page and write “grandfathers home” in the comment section.

We recently were told of the death of one of our grandmothers in the food program.  She left three grandchildren, ages 5-15, with no one to care for them.  The eldest will now become child head of household and we will continue to provide food for them through our food program.

Your donations help us continue assisting people in Kenya, whether that be through our food programs, home repairs/new construction, school fees, water or medical assistance.  Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Saved By God’s Grace and help us help one more person.

Thank you and don’t forget tomorrow is AZ Gives Day!  You can visit the site today to pre-schedule your donation or visit tomorrow, April 4, to make your tax deductible donation.  Spread the word and help Saved By God’s Grace bring more assistance for those in Kenya.

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